SwiftUI Divider Colors & Thickness

Another SwiftUI post coming your way! This time we’ll take a look at Divider and how we can change its color.

TL;DR You need to add an overlay with a color, like this:

VStack {
    Text("Divider example")
    Text("\"A visual element that can be used to separate other content.\"")

The overlay will cover the default gray divider (which we can’t currently change) and you’ll keep the cool functionality of dividers too (changing layout based on a VStack or HStack parent). Note that you probably won’t want to use colors that are less than 100% opacity because you’ll see the gray divider color come through behind your custom color. More on that below.

If you’re interested, here are some ways NOT to change the divider color:

VStack {
    Text("Divider example")
    Text("\"A visual element that can be used to separate other content.\"")

As nice as it would be to change the divider color with tint or foregroundColor, we can’t do it that way 😭 Maybe one day?? (looking at you SwiftUI developers)

We could also try a background color on the divider, as I’ve seen some other internet tutorials recommend. If you’re not paying close attention this seems to work okay, but it’s only because the divider is semi transparent & your color will show through like it’s behind a dirty window:

VStack {
    Text("Divider example")
    Text("\"A visual element that can be used to separate other content.\"")

This problem becomes much more apparent if we adjust the minimum height of a horizontal divider:

VStack {
    Text("Divider example")
        .frame(minHeight: 5)
    Text("\"A visual element that can be used to separate other content.\"")

The system divider’s transparent gray is going to cover any background color we add, so our final resort is to use an overlay on the divider:

VStack {
    Text("Divider example")
        .frame(minHeight: 5)
    Text("\"A visual element that can be used to separate other content.\"")

Great! No more gray overlay from our stubborn divider. Now let’s remove the minHeight and enjoy a vibrant blue divider that’s the same size as a default system divider:

VStack {
    Text("Divider example")
    Text("\"A visual element that can be used to separate other content.\"")

If we decide our layout should use an HStack rather than a VStack, our colored divider will change its layout accordingly:

HStack {
    Text("Divider example")
    Text("\"A visual element that can be used to separate other content.\"")

One final thing to note - if you want to use a semi-transparent color for your dividers, you will end up with a grayish tint because of the system gray divider showing through. The example below uses a wider divider so you can see the problem more easily:

VStack {
    Text("Divider example")
        .frame(minHeight: 5)
    Text("\"A visual element that can be used to separate other content.\"")

In the case where you want a transparent colored divider, it would be best to create your own custom divider view, like this:

struct HorizontalDivider: View {
    let color: Color
    let height: CGFloat
    init(color: Color, height: CGFloat = 0.5) {
        self.color = color
        self.height = height
    var body: some View {
            .frame(height: height)

Then you could use the divider like so:

VStack {
    Text("Divider example")
    HorizontalDivider(color: .blue.opacity(0.5))
    Text("\"A visual element that can be used to separate other content.\"")

To be sure this custom divider looks great at any thickness, let’s try our 5 pixel height again:

VStack {
    Text("Divider example")
    HorizontalDivider(color: .blue.opacity(0.5))
    Text("\"A visual element that can be used to separate other content.\"")

Looking good 😎

Notice that I named our custom divider HorizontalDivider because it has a fixed height. The system divider uses secret SwiftUI sauce to read its parent’s layout (VStack vs HStack) and set its height or width accordingly. Unfortunately we don’t have access to the secret sauce so we’ll need to specify horizontal vs vertical when we create our own custom dividers. So last but not least, let’s see the code for a custom vertical divider:

struct VerticalDivider: View {
    let color: Color
    let width: CGFloat
    init(color: Color, width: CGFloat = 0.5) {
        self.color = color
        self.width = width
    var body: some View {
            .frame(width: width)

Here it is in use:

HStack {
    Text("Divider example")
    VerticalDivider(color: .blue.opacity(0.5))
    Text("\"A visual element that can be used to separate other content.\"")

I don’t know about you, but that was a longer post that I would have expected on divider colors! I hope you enjoyed it & found something you can put to use in your own apps. See you next time ⌚️